Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) is a biomarker often used in order to investigate oxidative stress in many pathological conditions.\nSaliva and urine can be collected noninvasively and represent attractive diagnostic fluids for detecting biomarkers of various\npathological conditions. The reviewed case-control and intervention studies that measured salivary or urinary TAC revealed that\ndiseases, antioxidant foods, or supplements and age, gender, and lifestyle factors influenced salivary or urinary TAC. Salivary and\nurinary TAC were particularly affected by oral or renal status, respectively, as well as by infection; therefore these factors must\nbe taken into account in both case-control and intervention studies. Furthermore, some considerations on sample collection and\nnormalization strategies could be made. In particular, unstimulated saliva could be the better approach to measure salivary TAC,\nwhereas 24 h or spontaneous urine collection should be chosen on the basis of the study outcome and of the creatinine clearance.\nFinally, the uric acid-independent TAC could be the better approach to evaluate red-ox status of body, in particular after nutritional\ninterventions and in diseases associated with hyper uricaemia.